It often seems that some areas are paranormal hotspots and in nowhere is this more true than in Bent's Basin near Sydney New South Wales. Reported at this spot have been ghosts, Yowies, prehistoric humans, a "Ghost Tank" (not as odd as it sounds considering that the remains of an English Churchill tank have been found in the area), a character known as "The Mad Axeman" and even Close Encounters of the Third Kind- contact between humans and extraterrestrial beings. The most significant of these events occurred on the 4th of June 1972 with both an encounter with a classic saucer shaped UFO and a not so typical encounter with what appeared to be a robot of some kind. This was described as having "a round helmeted head, broad shoulders and arms that came to pointed hands" and moved as though on "rollers". It was observed for at least 30 seconds by multiple witnesses before it disappeared in front of their eyes. When the witnesses came back to collect their car later on they also claim to have been stalked by what they describe as a pair of eyes peering out at they from the bushes.